

Enterprise Risk Managemeny Academy is introducing a new pathway to obtain our Enterprise Risk Mangament professional designations, the Certification Exam. With the Certification Exam, participants are be able to take exam that lead to ERMAP (ERM Associate Professional) or ERMCP (ERM Certified Professional) professional designations






The Exam uses ERMA’s Exam Centre, a modern online exam centre which enables ERM professional from all over to world to obtain ERMA’s professional designation by participating in the Certification Exam. In the Certification Exam, participants will be assessed for their technical knowledge and skills based on the answers to the questions posed in the exam.

Participants with good knowledge of ERM principles, framework and process, as well as
hands on experience in practicing the skills, would be able to score well in the assessment.


The Certification Exam is divided into 4 primary sections:

  • Basic Understanding of ERM and ISO 31000; 2018 Risk Management Standard
  • Risk Management Principles based on ISO 31000;2018
  • Risk Management Framework based on ISO 31000;2018
  • Risk Management Process based on ISO 31000;2018